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Things You Need to Know about Folate
Admin | 24

June 2024

Things You Need to Know about Folate

Folate, a B vitamin which is essential for red blood cell formation and for other healthy cell growth and function. It is a necessary nutrient for everyone, but particularly crucial for women who may become pregnant. Adequate intake of folate before and during pregnancy can prevent significant birth defects in the baby's brain and spine. What’s more, the human body cannot synthesize it itself and can only obtain it from food and other supplements.

Foods Rich in Folate

There are several food that abundant in folate, including:

Leafy green vegetables


Dried beans, peas, and nuts

Enriched breads, cereals, and other grain products

Symptoms Related to Low Level of Folate

While lacking folate, some symptoms might occur, including:



Difficulty concentrating


Sores on the tongue and inside the mouth

Heart palpitations


Groups at High Risk of Folate Deficiency

Certain groups are at increased risk of folate deficiency, including:

Individuals with alcohol use disorder

Pregnant individuals

People of childbearing age

Individuals with conditions that affect nutrient absorption, such as irritable bowel disorder (IBD) and celiac disease

People with the MTHFR polymorphism, a genetic condition that hinders the conversion of folate to its active form and results in elevated levels of an amino acid called homocysteine in the blood

Our Solutions

Our folate testing solution is now provided in CLIA platform!



Also, in immunoassay platform, our folate solution is coming soon!




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